
Books from Brant

(big time Christian author)

The Brant and Sherri Oddcast

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Brant has two bios. One is for professional use. The other is… brutally honest.

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Brant Hansen Page

1 month ago

Brant Hansen Page
I must say I did NOT expect one of my books to be the first on this list.But I am quite pleased. I welcome you, Hot People, to my readership. Please also check out the "Brant and Sherri Oddcast" which is also entertaining, thoughtful, and welcoming to Hot People everywhere. We greet you. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Brant Hansen Page
This is the coolest honor ever, for me. An awesome 10 year-old reader/listener named ZACH was assigned, along with his classmates, to prepare and present a report on a "Famous American."Others chose George Washington, Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Neil Armstrong, etc... but Zach thought outside the box. WAAAAAY outside the box.Thank you, Zach and to Zach's mom, who was totally cool with me posting this. I'm so honored, Zach!! Now you're a "Famous American", too! ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Brant Hansen Page
Kindle is doing this TODAY for Unoffendable!It's totally worth $1.99, guys!!!My royalty will amount to $0.045 and I promise to spend it responsibly. That is my pledge to you, dear reader. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Brant Hansen Page
If you are ever in the Lansing Michigan Barnes and Noble, I totally just added value (or possibly subtracted value) to some books here. I tried to draw you and me, too. I think I nailed your hair but not sure. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 months ago

Brant Hansen Page
Another highlight from The Followership Conference: We gave out honorary doctorates to listeners of the show and podcast. HIGHLY DESERVED and CONGRATS you guys. ... See MoreSee Less
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