Lessons Hard Won, Stuff I'm Writing to Myself I Think, Uncategorized
(I adapted this from what I wrote for a radio industry site.wrote this for a radio industry site. Originally, I called it Dear Radio People: Don’t You Dare Discount What You are Doing but thought this could apply to you, if you’re a follower of Jesus in any role...
Culture and Stuff, Lessons Hard Won
(I wrote this originally for a radio industry site. Sherri said I should post it here, since non-radio peoople might want to read it. Maybe you will. Not sure. But here you go…) It’s Christmastime, which means joy, cheer, wreaths, kittens implausibly stuffed...
Lessons Hard Won, Stuff I'm Writing to Myself
Q: What do The Beatles, my parents, and the ’94 Lakers have in common? A: They couldn’t stay together. They all broke up. They just couldn’t make it work. This is not abnormal. This is the natural state of things. Shaq and Kobe could’ve dominated for a decade, but...
Honest Advice, Lessons Hard Won
First, a note: I’m really going to try to blog again. I know I’ve said that before, six or seven times, but THIS IS FOR REAL. I’m even changing my schedule to make it happen. So at least once a week, it’s back to blogging. There was a day,...