
If Jesus Had a Blog: I Told This Great Story About a Samaritan Guy and People Didn’t Really Like It


(From the “If Jesus Had a Blog” archives…)

What up.

Frustrating:  STILL no WiFi in Nazareth, so we had to walk all the way to Caesarea to get to this sweet Panera.  We had enough shekels for some coffee, but the guys wanted me to go all “loaves and fishes” on the caramel biscotti.

Not happening.

Anyway, just got done talking to this guy who asked, “What do I have to do to inherit eternal life?”  Great question, but when I started talking to him, and mentioned loving his neighbor, he got a little defensive, so he asked, “Well, who’s my neighbor?”

I told a story (By the way, Best. Teaching. Device. EVER.) and it’s about a guy who gets attacked and left by a roadside.  A religious leader walks by, and doesn’t help. And then this Levite walks by, and doesn’t help, and then a Samaritan comes by and takes care of him.

Didn’t go over that well.

Well, apparently, Peter “needs” the laptop, so I’m out. He’s got this “singing” goat video he keeps making everybody watch. It IS pretty funny.
Posted:  Today at 3:34 p.m.


Hey Jesus… love the blog.  And I know you MEAN well, and making a Samaritan the “good guy” is for shock value, but you’ve got to remember, you’ve got a lot of young people who follow you, and they could get the wrong impression.

We all know that Samaritans believe a lot of wrong things. They are nice people, I’m sure, but their doctrine is TOTALLY fouled up. By making a Samaritan the star, you sound like you’re saying it’s more important to “love” people than to believe the right doctrinal things.

I’m sure you don’t mean that.

Just something to think about 🙂

— sunny_ames34


Hey “sunny_ames34”:  I think he totally means that.

— the4joneses


I know it’s not the point, but I’d like to just say I’m a little disappointed you guys watch stuff on YouTube.  Yes, I know there’s nothing wrong with the cute singing goat video – not that I’ve seen it – but YouTube has a lot of other bad stuff on it – which I also haven’t seen.

Just kinda disappointed you’re apparently endorsing everything this secular organization does.  Please read more on personal holiness at my blog: holy4jesus.blogspot.com

— sally83


Sally, just kinda disappointed you’re endorsing “blogspot”.

— pre262


Well, I can’t say I’m surprised, here, Jesus. This just tops it, for me. You tell a story and the BAD guys are the preachers and religious leaders?  And the good guy is a guy who doesn’t even know the right place or way to worship God?  Wow.

Just wow.

Our leaders try hard, and they help us try hard, and they are men of God, and we respect them for that. They have a lot of charisma and personality and they know so much. Leave them alone, unless that is, you want us to think NO ONE but YOU is good, and only YOU should be our Teacher?

— grace2u


Is this where I sign up for the seafood giveaway?  I heard you were doing a big seafood giveaway. Sorry if wrong thread.

— elly1972


This is great.  Thank you, Lord, for making things so simple. I don’t envy you. Simplicity makes experts mad. Always will.

You are my Teacher, and I heard your story.  And I now know all the expertise in the world, all the “authority” in the religious world, all the busy-ness that comes to religion – all are meaningless, distracting, even OFFENSIVE, when not coupled with extreme humility and love and true servant-heartedness.

Beautiful. Reminds me of how often I’ve driven past my neighbors’ home en route to another church planning session, or practice, or church event designed to – you guessed it – “reach our neighbors”.  They sure keep us busy, don’t they?

Thank you, once again, for setting me straight.  It frees me, honestly.  So simple!

— c_dyson12


JESUS, you make me angry.

But it’s a good anger, and a righteous anger I have.  Because I’m totally sure I’m right.

— jasecase


Well, Jesus, I appreciate what you’re saying, I guess. But let’s be honest: While you’re making the religious leaders the bad guys in this story, you NEED them. You need their talents, their special abilities, their speaking skills, etc., to get your word out. Without talented religious people, do you think the Kingdom would really advance?


— DTS_class2008


Guys, you’re jumping all over Jesus here, and that’s not his point. His point is that we need accountability groups, and possibly an additional Bible study each week.

— atlanta239


That’s not his point.  His point is that we need GOD back in our schools, and back in our government, and people just need to deal with it.  RIGHT. NOW.  BEFORE WE LOSE THIS COUNTRY.

— katyinfla


Hey “atlanta239”, I live in Marrietta, and could join a Bible study. I have church stuff on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. And Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday, but Friday is open.  Wait – it’s not.

— go_dawgs4040


So, Jesus, apparently I can be wrong about all sorts of stuff, but if I love God and love my neighbor, that’s all that matters, like it just sums everything up.

This is the kind of feel-goodism that’s killing our great churches.

— BibleBillJ


jesus pls help me love peopl like u do

— horsegurl9


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